INFOGRAPHIC: 2023 Canadian Workplace Health Benefits – Perceptions & Utilization

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Employers recognize that keeping employees healthy and happy by providing health benefits and wellness programs plays a critical role in organizational success, and over $40 billion dollars of health benefits are offered through employers in Canada. Yet, a recent Gallup Poll based on a random sample of employees, found fewer than one in four employees felt strongly that their organization cared about their well-being—the lowest percentage in nearly a decade. So, why is there a disconnect?
To answer the question above, we surveyed full-time employed Canadians who have such benefits to determine the type of benefits they have and why they are or are not using them.
CloudMD partnered with ANDX Research to conduct a nationwide survey of employees with health benefits to learn more about this topic and the findings are showcased in this infographic:

Interested in the full study? Download it here.
CloudMD’ s health and wellness program, Kii, provides organizations with Employee Assistance, Mental Health Supports, Telemedicine, Absence Management and Occupational Health & Safety. It’s all accessible through one, connected program with a highly skilled nurse to help employees navigate the full spectrum. Connect with us to bring this innovative program to your organization.