
You use innovation and science to improve lives through life-changing treatments. Let’s partner together to empower healthier living for all.

Our digital health education platform is designed for healthcare professionals to better engage, inform, and educate patients about their conditions and treatment plans.

Let’s Work Together

Enhance your existing Patient Support Programs

  • Digitize portions of your PSP program and gain cost savings through our Digital Coaching tool.
  • Grow your PSP by showcasing availability and registration information through our PSP Directory.
  • Differentiate your PSP by supporting the mental health of patients. Rooted in evidence-based best practice, our TAiCBT delivers high-quality mental health treatment and includes specifically-designed support to help those coping with chronic conditions.

Reach key audiences in the healthcare space

Keep your brand top-of-mind during conversations between healthcare providers and their patients across key healthcare audiences including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals.

Advertise directly to healthcare providers

We provide your brand with a platform to advertise directly to HCPs, and allow for resource sharing with their patients inside the exam room. This keeps your brand top-of-mind at treatment decision-making time and at home.

Elevate your brand presence on our platform by hosting your own educational resources, such as patient brochures and videos. And, facilitate doctor-patient discussions with your branded materials, which can be emailed to patients, keeping your brand top of mind.

Wide Reach

Our digital platforms are present in physicians offices across Canada as well as at 2,500+ pharmacy stores, 225 infusion clinics, and within hospitals (both exam rooms and patient bedside).

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Let’s connect and discuss what’s possible.