
Your members are the lifeblood of your organization. Providing valuable health and wellness benefits is a great way to ensure your association continues to grow and thrive. Member growth and retention are two of the most common challenges that associations face, and we can help.

Let’s Work Together

If you’re struggling to develop membership benefits that your members would value, you could consider:

  • Member and Family Assistance Plan
  • Mental Health Supports
  • Medical Care
  • Health & Wellness Resources and events

Member & Family Assistance Program

Looking to keep members healthy, boost their resilience, and improve their overall well-being? Kii Health’s robust Member & Family Assistance Program can help.

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Mental Health Solutions

More than 1 in 2 people struggling with their mental health aren’t getting the help they need.

Kii Health provides a stepped-care approach to mental health that includes support from prevention and mental fitness to the treatment of chronic mental health conditions.

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Medical Care

Nearly two in five Canadians say they have faced barriers to medical care. With Kii Medical Care, organizations can provide  access to medical care that is simple, fast, easy and most importantly, effective. With no travel time or wasted hours in the waiting room, we give your members the gift of time.

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With you every step of the way.

From creating a program designed for your association, to ensuring the launch with your members goes smoothly, our team will ensure you are set up for success.

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Very friendly, informative, and professional staff in all aspects of the program.
Due to confidentiality we keep all our testimonials anonymous.
My coach was amazing. She helped me to overcome HUGE obstacles. I absolutely would not be where I am today without her guidance. Thank you so much. This was a life changing experience for me.
Due to confidentiality we keep all our testimonials anonymous.
After months of procrastination, my eldest daughter convinced me to have a nasty mole on my back examined.I had been to my family. I played phone tag with my Physician’s office to get an appointment, so I decided to try my virtual healthcare provider Kii Health. I got a virtual consultation two hours later, the mole was viewed by the online physician using my cellphone, two days later I met a dermatologist who removed the mole. My personal experience with virtual healthcare was not only gratifying, it may have been life saving.
Due to confidentiality we keep all our testimonials anonymous.
I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Guided iCBT. The therapist that was assigned to me was amazing, very knowledgeable and very supportive. The ability to work on this on my own time is the most beneficial aspect of this program. Responses back were quick. I worked with Christine on CBT, the modules were easy to follow and allowed me to be in control of my own learning experiences. Having the ability to go back to previous modules was very helpful.
Due to confidentiality we keep all our testimonials anonymous.
This was an invaluable support for me during a critical time in my life. I was feeling depressed, anxious and very stressed with the negativity/media overload/isolation of the pandemic. Guided iCBT enabled me to become stronger within my thoughts/habits to become healthier and more equipped to face each new (and ongoing ) challenge(s). It provided me with functional “tools” to help me on a daily basis and  reassured me that I was not alone.
Due to confidentiality we keep all our testimonials anonymous.
The current testimonial index is: 1

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